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Forensic Mapping
PIX4D Mapper and Farozone 2D/3D
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Topics Covered
PIX4D Mapper
Marking ground control points
Creating processing areas
Evaluating the Quality Report
Using the “Basic Image Editor”
Calibrating cameras
Creating manual tie points
Reoptimizing and/or Re-matching
Create and edit point clouds
Create and edit Orthomosaic
Creating polylines
Exporting Point-clouds, TIFF, and Polylines
Implement of Scale Constraints
Image Annotating
Use of the Clipping Boxes
Farozone 2D/3D
Import .TIFF and/or point-cloud
Draw Lines
Take measurements
Label and annotate map
Merge points clouds from UAS and LIDAR. (Cloud Compare Software)
Export courtroom ready forensic map(s).
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